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What's On


ACT Covid delayed Christmas in July ... in November 2020


Photos are roughly chronological and mostly taken by Gayle McEwan
The cafe at Boorowa

Let me at the shops - Millthorpe

Some of the travellers at Millthorpe Railway Station between Orange and Blayney.

Full crew were: Brohans, McEwans, Watters, Goodalls, Hicks, Hollidays, Middletons & Fletchers.

Breakfast at the station

Most of the TRs at Binda on the road from Blayney to Goulburn while the owners were inside having a cool drink on a very hot day.

This shows all the TRs at Binda although Terry Hicks is exiting stage right >

Minor electrical glitch.

On the road to Goulburn